The introduction of the pamphlet provides a broad overview of the connections between illegal drugs and the environment as they relate to the Sustainable Development Goals, climate change, and environmental sustainability. It emphasizes both direct and indirect connections and provides illustrations of the significant local and individual effects that medicines can have on the environment.
The discussion then delves deeper into the latest research on both synthetic and plant-based drugs. For example, this involves a study of the connection between illegal crop growth and deforestation in the case of plant-based narcotics.
It also examines the volume, composition, dumping, and discharge of waste for synthetic drugs, as well as its relationship to wastewater treatment. The brochure also includes in-depth discussions of the environmental impact associated with the creation of synthetic medicines and other plant-based drugs, including cannabis (both indoors and outdoors).
Read more and download the Executive Summary booklet from UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) here.
More information from UNODC and the World Drug Report: You can find the World Drug Report 2023 World Drug Report 2023 here!
Here are some interesting articles about the drug war and drug market analysis:
Marijuana Wars: Violent Mexican drug cartels turn Northern California into ‘The Wild West’
The EU Drug Markets Analysis: Key Insights for Policy and Practice
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